Season 1 of “The Naughty Adventures of Scarlett May Blossom” features 9 fast-paced episodes, each running 20 to 26 minutes, packed with outrageous, edgy, and satirical humor. Scarlett, an 18-year-old beauty from Alabama, finds herself launched into an international whirlwind after falling for Internet spam promising millions from the "Bank of Africa" and the "United Kingdom National Sweepstakes." Her naive attempts to claim these dubious fortunes lead to one misadventure after another, plunging her deeper into chaos. Will Scarlett ever find her "pot of gold," or will her journey of mishaps help her finally blossom?
This groundbreaking comedy from Yellow Hat Productions, Inc. marks a milestone in entertainment as the first dramatic series created entirely with AI visuals, complemented by a touch of conventional animation. Featuring a stellar cast of comedy actors lending their voices, the series draws inspiration from the 2009 humor book “Scarlett May Blossom’s Diary: Ceilings I Have Seen.”
The music adds to the show’s charm with the catchy title track “Scarlett May Blossom” and Southern-inspired tunes like “Gonna Buy Me a Bottle of Whiskey” and “I’m on the Bottom Half of Rock Bottom,” composed by the talented Metzger brothers.
The series is created, directed and produced by Paul Jeffrey Davids, known for acclaimed productions like Roswell (Showtime), The Sci-Fi Boys, Starry Night, Jesus in India (NBCUniversal International Television), The Life After Death Project (Syfy Channel), and Marilyn Monroe Declassified (licensed by FilmRise).
“The Naughty Adventures of Scarlett May Blossom” promises to be a sassy, mischievous, laugh-out-loud adventure you won’t want to miss!
meet the characters
Daddy Blossom
Voice Actor
Russell Metzger
He is Scarlett’s father, separated from Mama but lives in another trailer in the same trailer park.
Dr. Rajneesh Maghu
Voice Actor
Perry Shields
He works at the Bank of Africa in Bogatoga, Africa.
Cole Brooks
Voice Actor
Perry Shields
He is an FBI agent based in Washington, DC.
holger Dusseldorf
Voice Actor
Robert Stillwell
He is a mysterious German who is thought to have died in a plane crash.
Lenny James Hancock
Voice Actor
Robert Stillwell
He delivers summons in Honeysuckle Grove for Sheriff Peabody.
Just Daryl
Voice Actor
Paul Oberle
He is a pizza delivery boy for the Pizza Doodle. He is called Just Daryl because he has no middle name.
Dr. Danjou Bandalar
Voice Actor
Mark Arnott
He works with Dr. Rajneesh Maghu at the Bank of Africa.
Danny Ray Peterson
Voice Actor
Perry Shields
He is the Fire Chief of Honeysuckle Grove.
travis wilde
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He is a Texan who claims he will inherit 34 million dollars when his mother dies.
Sheriff Peabody
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He is the Sheriff of Honeysuckle Grove.
Scary Marylou
Voice Actor
Flora Price
Lives in the same trailer park as Scarlett and owns a dog named Muffin.
Bert the Computer Guru
Voice Actor
Perry Shields
He works at the Bowling Barn and is the local computer guru.
African Holy Man
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He serves King Bagha in Bogatoga, Africa.
Voice Actor
Cindy Shields
Margaret is from London and is one of King Bagha’s many wives.
Taxi Driver in DC
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He is a cranky cab driver who takes Scarlett to the bus station in Washington DC.
District Attorney
Voice Actor
Robert Stillwell
He questions Scarlett at before the Grand Jury in Washington, DC.
Leroy Lynch
Voice Actor
Perry Shields
He owns the Leroy Lynch Investment Office in Honeysuckle Grove, Alabama.
Mama Blossom
Voice Actor
Flora Price
She is Scarlett’s mother, lives in a trailer with her daughter.
Scarlett May Blossom
Voice Actor
Scarlett Farmer
She is an 18-year old beauty living in the Outside Inn Trailer Park in Honeysuckle Grove Alabama.
Preacher Clarence Zimmer
Voice Actor
Mark Arnott
He is a phony preacher who is a pedophile wanted by the FBI.
Mr. Barnett
Voice Actor
Paul Arnott
He is Scarlett’s algebra teacher.
King Bagha
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He is the king of Bogatoga who has 49 wives and is seeking wife number 50.
Scooter Joe
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He owns a strip club in Honeysuckle Grove.
911 Operator
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He receives a call from Scarlett about the trailer that blew up.
Doc Perkins
Voice Actor
Lee Harris
He is the psychiatrist who treats Scarlett’s Mama.
Voice Actor
Cindy Shields
She works in a rural restaurant in Georgia.
UK Lottery Announcer
Voice Actor
Robert Stillwell
He informs Scarlett that she is a winner in the British Sweepstakes.
Mrs. Agatha Buggs
Voice Actor
Cindy Shields
She works at the Sweepstakes office in London.
Customs Agent
Voice Actor
Robert Stillwell
He questions Scarlett when she arrives in London.